Dear fellow citizens and friends of Lebanon,
It is my privilege to announce the launch of the third cycle of our program and grant dedicated to uplifting the economic potential of women in Lebanon.
We are convinced that there can be no viable economic growth in Lebanon without women leading and accelerating the way forward. We are also believers in the wisdom and hard work of civil society members who are persevering in the absence of a functional and honorable state.
This grant is a long-term commitment to the women of Lebanon. In this third call for proposals, we are inviting coalitions of organizations with 0-10 years experience to apply.
We hope to award grants of US$ 35,000-100,000 to up to six coalitions in each grant cycle.
We look forward to having your organization and coalition partners with us in this grant journey. Please do help us reach as many locally-registered NGOs doing admirable work in Lebanon by sharing with them this email and spreading the word on your social media.
The louder we can be together, the more we can be inclusive and level the playing field for all brilliant NGOs to join this call for proposals.
With much appreciation and thanks,
If you are facing any technical difficulties in accessing our grant collateral and / or application,
please do not hesitate to reach us on:
+961 1 337 350
Beirut 2061 3207
The Zovighian Partnership is an oath of citizenship for a thriving Middle East.
© 2024 All rights reserved
The Zovighian Partnership is an oath of citizenship for a thriving Middle East.
© 2024 All rights reserved
The Zovighian Partnership is an oath of
citizenship for a thriving Middle East.