Dear friends,
Today is April 24. It is 1915 all over again. On this day, our DNA awakens and beats with ferocity. Today is remembrance, not only of what happened to 1.5 million Armenians, but of how we still fail humanity. We speak of genocide as if it is of the past. But what about our present? And what about our future?
Genocide is erasure. And we cannot but also acknowledge that in the fight to recognize the Armenian Genocide, we do not give enough voice to all the other communities who faced elimination under the Ottoman Empire: the Greeks, the Assyrians, the Syriacs, the Yazidis to name a few.
Remembrance must hold every one of us accountable to giving voice, safeguarding truth, and committing to peace. And as importantly, it marks the universal lesson of Never Again.
This is why The Zovighian Partnership Public Office has committed the last seven years to serving those facing genocide in the Middle East. The world has asked that victims and survivors of genocide achieve superhuman strength. But the world is far from being a positive enabler of that strength. Our part is but a small role in the enormity of our collective history. But, we do believe, it is a critical part in building the inclusive and peace-loving future we all need.
We express our deepest and heartfelt thanks to United States President Joseph Biden, as well as the United States Congress and USAID Administrator Nominee Samantha Power for clearly and explicitly labeling the crimes of humanity against the Armenian people as genocide.
We are honored, in remembrance of this day, to have co-signed our statement with our Yazidi, Syriac, Assyrian, and Chaldean friends in Iraq. Together, we have a valuable future worth achieving.
In peace and solidarity,
The Zovighian Partnership is a family-owned social investment platform, established by father and daughter in 2013. Deeply invested in R&D, we are committed to delivering ethical, inclusive, and innovative design, research, and prototypes.
The Zovighian Partnership
Public Office
is committed to delivering significant resources to bringing grounded methodology, sound governance, and rigorous strategic thinking to communities and cities in crisis. We hold ourselves accountable to giving voice to the diversity of views that are central to long-term and sustainable peace and socio-economic enablement.
+961 1 337 350
Beirut 2061 3207
The Zovighian Partnership is an oath of citizenship for a thriving Middle East.
© 2024 All rights reserved
The Zovighian Partnership is an oath of citizenship for a thriving Middle East.
© 2024 All rights reserved
The Zovighian Partnership is an oath of
citizenship for a thriving Middle East.